Game Jam games:
Too fast too high
10 Fingers
Plastic Gardens
The Invasion
ComputerspieleAkademie - Games Preis 2020 - 12-18 Jahre - Bester Prototyp Orlu Sunrise
What is this site about?
I document and run my game backends on this site. Therefore there is a login form. If you have any complaints please write to the email address in the ‘About Me’ >’Impressum’ section.
This site gets updated when I am in the mood to.
I use the following tools for my projects:
Blender - 3D Models, Animations, Rigging
Audacity - Sounds
Unreal Engine - Making games and tools
Jetbrains Rider - Coding IDE for Unreal Engine
VS Code - mainly for Python
GIMP2 - Image editing
Filezilla - Network stuff
Putty - Network stuff